Painful Conditions that Can Be Treated with the RS-4i® Plus

There’s no shortage of conditions that cause chronic musculoskeletal pain. Several of the most common affect the upper and lower back, but pain patients know that these disorders can range from our necks to our feet.

Not surprisingly, there’s also no shortage of treatment options – including physical therapy, medications, surgery and more. But there’s no simple fix and, as opioids have shown, definitely no magic pill.

There is, however, one doctor-prescribed treatment that’s proving to be popular for a number of reasons: electrotherapy with the RS-4i Plus. Here are four painful chronic conditions that you may be surprised to learn have benefited from treatment with an RS-4i Plus.

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3 Reasons to Use RS Medical-branded Electrodes with Your RS-4i® Plus

A key part to enjoying the benefits of pain relief and muscle rehabilitation from your RS-4i Plus is having a supply of quality electrodes to use with the device.

Which brings up a question that some have posed – is it really necessary to use RS Medical-manufactured electrodes with the RS-4i Plus? Indeed, there are several reasons why you should.

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James Gets Back on Track with the RS-4i® Plus

James originally injured his back while serving on a military deployment in Kosovo and has suffered from low back pain ever since.

He sought treatment at the VA, and he was prescribed muscle relaxants and pain medication. When those proved largely ineffective and left him feeling drugged up, he tried physical therapy and chiropractic sessions. Those treatments provided better pain relief – but he found it was only temporary.

Then he was prescribed an RS-4i Plus, and he finally found the relief he sought.

“Using this device, my pain goes down from a 9 to a 2 or a 1.”

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Patients Go from “Hopeless” to “Heaven” with the RS-4i® Plus

Those who suffer from chronic pain, Veterans and civilians alike, often say there is no “magic pill” for relief and they simply become accustomed to living with their condition.

Others, though, have found a prescription-grade therapy that’s non-invasive and drug free, and provides real pain relief for 87 percent who use it – the RS-4i Plus with Intersperse®.

If you’re a patient who hasn’t yet discovered the RS-4i Plus, read on to see if this device might be the therapy that can help you go from “hopeless” to “heaven.”

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5 Benefits of Adding Electrotherapy to Personal Injury Treatment Plans

Each year, over one million US adults find themselves with painful musculoskeletal injuries caused either by auto injury or work injury.

Treatment options often include visits to orthopedic doctors and pain specialists, chiropractors and physical therapists, as well as a range of supplemental therapies such as massage and acupuncture.

An additional option, which can be used alone or in conjunction with any of the treatments above, is electrotherapy with the RS-4i® Plus. It’s a non-opioid, non-invasive therapy that provides pain relief for 87 percent of patients who use it.

If it’s not among the options considered for auto- and work-related musculoskeletal injuries, here are five reasons it should be.

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Treating Frozen Shoulder & Range-of-Motion Shoulder Injuries

Practitioners who care for patients with musculoskeletal pain know that shoulder injuries can present significant range-of-motion treatment challenges. Specifically, frozen shoulder often requires continuous physical therapy to “loosen” the joint.

Healthcare providers unfamiliar with the RS-4i® Plus may be interested to learn how this device can aid in treatment for patients suffering from frozen shoulder, as well as other painful shoulder conditions.

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5 Keys to RS Medical Service

When considering the range of options available for treating patients who suffer from chronic musculoskeletal pain, healthcare providers should include electrotherapy among their choices.

But any provider who has shied away from this option because it’s unfamiliar, or because he or she may be unsure how to manage a patient using electrotherapy, take notice. RS Medical, producer of the RS-4i® Plus electrotherapy device, provides a higher level of service than other organizations – stepping in to manage much of the hands-on process for the practitioner.

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5 Reasons to Use the RS-4i® Plus for Sciatic Pain Treatment

Sciatica is a fairly common chronic back condition, affecting up to 40 percent of the population. While many cases resolve favorably, research suggests that roughly 1 in 4 patients will have persistent problems.

While OTC medications may provide a partial answer, another ideal choice for sciatica treatment at home is electrotherapy with the RS-4i® Plus. Not only is it non-invasive and non-opioid, it’s proven to be an effective tool for many patients – and it could be especially useful for those who find that their sciatic pain lingers.

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Life Gets Back to Normal for Giles with his RS-4i® Plus

For Giles, everyday activities like mowing the lawn, taking out the trash and helping with the dishes had become major events due to severe back pain.

He sought treatment at his local VA, where he was given three different TENS machines – none of which worked for his pain. Finally, his provider prescribed an RS-4i Plus for him.

“It’s my magic pill for pain relief,” he says. “It literally opens my world to normalcy.”

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VA Finds Success with Opioid Reductions & Non-Drug Pain Treatments

The VA continues to be a leader in the national effort to reduce opioid prescribing, as well as an important champion for the utilization of non-drug treatments in pain management programs. Now it’s sharing results that show these combined efforts are having success in improving well-being for Veterans living with chronic pain.

Like all healthcare programs looking to reduce the use of opioids, the VA model incorporates a variety of tools for helping Veterans manage chronic pain. Those include options that require one-on-one practitioner involvement – such as physical therapy – and some that, with training, can be managed independently by the Veteran – like electrotherapy.

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Intersperse® – an Exclusive & More Impactful Electrotherapy Treatment

When considering the range of non-opioid options available for treating patients who suffer from chronic musculoskeletal pain, healthcare providers are likely including OTC medications, physical therapy, massage and acupuncture on their list.

But there’s another non-opioid treatment that should also make the list – electrotherapy.

And there is one electrotherapy device that has a unique and truly advanced treatment – the RS-4i® Plus, which features a patented technology called Intersperse.

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Break the Cycle of Back Pain without Surgery

If you’re a patient living with chronic back pain, you may be researching whether there’s a surgical solution to your problems.

If so, you may have already discovered that one option is an implanted spinal cord stimulator. And while this option may hold promise, it isn’t without risks. Although most are minor, like infection or bruising, some spinal cord stimulator side effects are much more serious.

As you contemplate an SCS implant or other surgical procedures, or are even trying to delay or find an alternative to surgery, you should know there is a prescription-grade option that’s non-invasive and drug free, and provides real pain relief for 87 percent of patients who use it – the RS-4i® Plus.

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