Matt, Retired Army Veteran, Gets Relief from Neck & Back Pain

Four major injuries left Matt with chronic pain and a need to find relief. After serving 23 years in the U.S. Army as an 11th Bravo Infantry Ranger, Matt was no stranger to physical challenges.

“In 1998 my parachute failed to open in a jump from 100 feet up, which led to neck and back trauma,” he says. “I actually came out of that injury stronger and faster. Shortly after that, though, I ripped both my calf muscles while running.”

The final blow came during his seventh deployment to Afghanistan, where two 365-pound walls fell on top of him.

“One wall twisted me in half and put my left palm underneath my right heel. The second came straight down on the top of my head.”

Treatment Only Helped So Much, Until He Tried the RS-4i Plus

For years, Matt sought a variety of treatments and rehabilitation for his neck and back pain – from back doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists and spinal injections to a TENS unit. He was recovering, but required regular clinical therapy visits.

Then Matt was prescribed the RS-4i Plus by his physicians at the VA. They wanted to add home therapy treatments between clinic visits. He experienced fast, positive results.

“After about a week or two, I noticed a difference. I’m now able to walk and exercise daily.”

Matt continues to see a chiropractor, and he uses a service dog as well, but he credits the RS-4i Plus with helping him a lot.

“I recommend that device to anyone who can get their hands on it,” he says. “It rocks!”

Do you have a story like Matt’s? Please share it with us! We’re delighted to have readers add their experiences in the comments below.

Related Resources

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Download: Patient Stories - Increased Activity

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