Why We Use the Defense and Veterans Pain Rating Scale


Acute and chronic pain is the primary reason acting service members and Veterans of military service seek healthcare services. That includes low back pain, joint pain, headaches, and acute and chronic pain from combat injuries.

The Defense and Veterans Pain Rating Scale, developed by The Defense and Veterans Center for Integrative Pain Management, is an assessment tool that utilizes a numerical rating scale, enhanced by functional word descriptors, color coding, and pictorial facial expressions, to evaluate pain levels. Supplemental questions measure how much pain interferes with normal activity and sleep, affects mood and contributes to stress. The organization’s mission to leverage the best available evidence, clinical expertise, and collaboration to develop and communicate consensus recommendations in support of Air Force, Army, Navy and VHA pain management practice, education and research.

The origins of the DVPRS date to 2010, when the Army Surgeon General released the Pain Management Task Force final report. Concerns were raised by military healthcare providers that the standard numeric rating scale (NRS) for pain was inconsistently administered and of questionable clinical value. In response, the DVPRS was developed.

At its most basic level, the DVPRS was designed to enhance the understanding of incremental pain intensity levels, and to improve communication and documentation. The DVPRS uses numbers and “traffic light” color coded bars to delineate levels of pain: Mild (1 to 4, green), Moderate (5 to 6, yellow), and Severe (7 to 10, red).

RS Medical uses the DVRPS to formulate its assessments of patients because it represents the most up-to-date and targeted tool for Veterans to accurately represent their pain and activity level. Learn about the actual assessment data and results by reading The Key to Tracking Progress.

Providers, We Invite You to Learn More

If you’re a VA healthcare provider interested in learning more about the Personalized Patient Assessments that go with the RS-4i® Plus, complete the form below and check the box to receive an assessment overview. Then judge for yourself how this remarkable program, which has helped over 21,000 Veterans nationwide, can work for your patients.





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