Going Deeper: Muscle Rehabilitation & the RS-4i® Plus

In addition to Interferential therapy (INF) to relieve pain, the RS-4i Plus uses NMES to facilitate muscle rehabilitation. But it’s how the RS-4i Plus stimulates muscle that sets it apart from the competition.

The device’s NMES waveform has short, spiky waves that activate highly sensitive fast-twitch muscle fibers, as well as wider, square sections that are ideal for activating the harder-to-engage, slow-twitch fibers. By stimulating a larger number of muscle fibers, the RS-4i Plus can elicit a maximal muscle contraction – resulting in greater therapeutic benefit.

The ability to stimulate more of the slow-twitch “big movers,” like the gluteus muscles and quadriceps, is a distinct advantage for the RS-4i Plus and makes this device a top choice for many physicians helping patients rehabilitate.

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Treating Back Pain at Home Can Be Easier than You Think

Placing electrodes on your own back in just the right position for an RS-4i® Plus treatment without help can be challenging when you’re in pain. That is, unless you have one of RS Medical’s wearable, conductive garments.

The RS-LBG™ Low Back Garment and the RS-FBG™ Full Back Garment make setting up for a treatment much easier – meaning that you can get therapy independently, whenever you like. No second set of hands required.

Learn 3 reasons our wearable, conductive garments give an extra advantage to tackling back pain with the RS-4i Plus.

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Chronic Pain and RS-4i® Plus in the VA, by the Numbers

Of the nearly 58 million VA patient appointments in 2016, pain was the most common medical condition requiring treatment. This sobering fact is not all that surprising given that more than 50 percent of Veterans receiving care are affected by chronic pain.

One prescription-strength treatment that has proven useful for chronic pain care at the VA is the RS-4i Plus. This self-managed electrotherapy device, which works less like a TENS unit and more like in-clinic systems, can relieve pain, increase blood flow, and reduce muscle spasms safely and effectively within the same 35-minute session.

Here are the numbers that show the impact . . .

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5 Ways to Practice Self-Care this Holiday Season

Celebrating the holidays is something many of us happily anticipate all year. But the holidays generally come with added stress, and with the lingering effects of COVID still creating challenges for some, this holiday season is shaping up to be a time when self-care is extra important.

For those who live with chronic pain – and those who are caregivers – taking steps to safeguard your own physical and mental wellbeing is the best gift you can give yourself and those that care about you.

Here are five suggestions for keeping the “me” in merry during the holidays.

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Jason, Navy Veteran, Keeps His Active Lifestyle Up to Speed

Jason’s first encounter with the RS-4i Plus came when his colleague at the VA, a pain pharmacist, suggested that he try it.

Since he had used various TENS units in the past, Jason was skeptical. Before his visit to the Physical Therapy clinic, he even did exercises that would normally cause his back pain. He wanted to see what the device could do.

“The first day I tried it, I think I was in about a five or six level of pain out of ten,” he said. “Once the RS-4i Plus device had done its thing, I actually got up and I had no pain.”

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6 Reasons an RS-4i® Plus is the Best Choice for At-Home Pain Relief

There’s no shortage of treatment options for chronic musculoskeletal pain, including physical therapy, medications, surgery, massage, psychotherapy and more. But there’s often no simple fix and, as opioids have shown, definitely no magic pill. There is, however, one doctor-prescribed treatment that’s proving to be popular for a number of reasons: electrotherapy with the RS-4i Plus.

Here are 6 reasons why you should consider the RS-4i Plus for self-managed pain relief.

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Going Wide & Deep: Pain Relief & the RS-4i® Plus

While a device manufacturer may claim to be “high frequency,” it’s a label that doesn’t mean much without scientific context. What’s important is the waveform, and its ability to overcome skin resistance and penetrate to where the actual pain resides. Let’s look at the science behind the RS-4i Plus to get a better sense of how it treats pain – and what makes it different.

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Interferential Therapy: A Non-Opioid Pain Treatment that Can Offer Lasting Relief

A concern for healthcare providers is identifying non-opioid treatment options that help patients manage chronic pain effectively. The most desirable choices should be fast acting, so patients begin getting pain relief as quickly as possible, and long lasting – optimally 6 hours or more. Of the options, one that may provide some of the longest-lasting, non-invasive relief is Interferential Therapy (INF). This non-invasive treatment goes to work quickly and provides long-term relief. In fact, many patients report pain relief that lasts for extended periods.

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VA Research Update: Increasing Opioid Doses Fails to Reduce Pain

Research from the VA has delivered yet another a reality check for healthcare providers who are considering increased opioid doses for patients with chronic pain. Recent analysis shows that patients who received increasing doses of pain medication did not have meaningful reductions in their pain when compared against patients whose doses remained the same.

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Daniel Gains Flexibility, Mobility & Muscle Strength

It became difficult for Daniel to hold his grandson or partake in any of the activities he enjoyed before neck and back pain became unbearable. He had a cervical spine laminectomy to address the pain. He also tried pain medication, a TENS unit and an H-Wave® stimulator – but nothing adequately curbed the pain, so he continued to seek treatment options. However, once prescribed the RS-4i Plus, Daniel’s quality of life improved significantly.

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Research Update: Non-Drug Therapies May Improve Outcomes for Soldiers with Chronic Pain

Recent VA research offers some good news for soldiers living with chronic pain. Analysis shows that service members who receive non-drug therapies – which include TENS electrotherapy – as part of their pain treatment plans may have lower long-term risks for alcohol and drug disorders, as well as self-induced injuries. In fact, those who received non-drug therapies were 35 percent less likely to injure themselves than those who didn’t receive such therapies while in the service.

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