How to Compare TENS Units – A Review of 5 Signal Types

Knowing that all TENS units are different is a start to learning about transcutaneous electrotherapy. Each of the 5 signal types commonly offered by TENS units is “tuned” for a different purpose – for instance, causing a muscle to contract or preventing a nerve from transmitting pain signals. This presents a guide to understanding the therapeutic value of each signal and is the first step to determining the best device for the patient.

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Kate Relieves Her Sciatic Nerve Pain

Constant pain from the middle of her back down her left leg to her toes took a serious toll on Kate’s health. Luckily, she was able to get her independence back after she added the RS-4i Plus to her treatments. She takes one pill twice daily to help with the pain, in addition to using the RS-4i Plus. She can now do many of the things she couldn’t do before – like driving.

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Exploring the Gate Control Theory of Pain

The Gate Control Theory of Pain says that pain sensations are involved in an intricate series of communications between the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. Sitting in between are a series of “gates” that can either transmit or block pain signals. Science has shown that hyper-stimulating certain nerve fibers can help close these gates, and therapies such as massage, acupuncture and electrotherapy are all thought to be effective ways of temporarily inhibiting pain signals.

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6 Tips for Boosting Endorphins – The Body’s Natural Painkillers

Patients are learning to play a more proactive role in their own rehabilitation and, in the process, some are discovering an extra ally in the fight against pain. This natural aide comes in the form of tiny molecules that help boost the body’s ability to block pain signals. If this sounds too good to be true, it isn’t. There’s real science behind endorphins – the body’s natural painkillers.

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Traction is a Top Treatment Option for Cervical Conditions

With neck pain affecting a significant portion of US adults – 1 in 7 civilians and 1 in 5 Veterans – it’s no wonder that cervical issues appear in many provider patient populations. If not part of your practitioner treatment plan today, cervical traction is a therapy worthy of consideration and can be optimized to the patient’s needs in clinic or at home.

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Gary, Retired Veteran, Gets His Active Lifestyle Back

Gary has suffered from severe back spasms since being hit in the back with a chunk of concrete during a rocket attack in Vietnam. He credits the RS-4i Plus with diminishing those spasms and helping him to rebuild a more active lifestyle. A self-described crafts person, he soon found he could return to some of his hobbies. He’s also able to do a bit of yard work – something he couldn’t do with his back spasms.

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Painsomnia & The Surprising Consequences for Long-Term Sleep Loss

Painsomnia - the inability to sleep due to pain - can be an exhausting, repetitive experience for those who live with chronic pain. While the name may sound amusing, the condition is anything but. If you’ve spent nights lying awake trying to find the best way to sleep with back pain, you’re not alone. Research shows you actually have a quite a bit of company, and there are steps you can take to break up the pain/sleep duo.

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When is a Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant the Right Choice?

Electrotherapy is a non-opioid alternative for long-lasting pain relief that patients can self-manage at home. There are three primary electrotherapy device options with varying degrees of risk. Spinal cord stimulator implants pose the highest risk and cost, while surface stimulation is non-invasive and the most cost-effective.

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Bill, Retired Army Veteran, Has His Life Back

Bill’s problems started about 20 years ago with shoulder spasms, which eventually extended to his lower back and hips. He was treated with acupuncture, massage, electrical stimulation and drugs to no avail. Now with his RS-4i Plus, he is pain free. More than that, his mobility has returned and he has his life back.

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RS Medical Wearables Are Better Than Ever

RS Medical’s wearable garments have been helping patients place pads on difficult to reach treatment areas for more than a decade. Thanks to feedback from thousands of patients and healthcare professionals, we made enhancements that make our conductive garments easier to use.

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