4 Painful Musculoskeletal Conditions that Can Be Treated with Electrotherapy 

There’s no shortage of conditions that cause chronic musculoskeletal pain. Several of the most common affect the upper and lower back, but these disorders range from necks to feet.  Not surprisingly, there’s also no shortage of treatment options – including physical therapy, medications, surgery and more. But there’s no simple fix and, as opioids have shown, no magic pill.  

However, one doctor-prescribed treatment is proving effective for treating these musculoskeletal conditions: the RS-4i® Plus, an at-home electrotherapy device that delivers non-invasive pain relief and muscle rehabilitation.  

4 Musculoskeletal Conditions That Can Be Treated with Electrotherapy  

  1. Chronic Back Pain

  2. Sciatica

  3. Diabetic Neuropathy 

  4. Frozen Shoulder 

Chronic Back Pain

Before considering a spinal implant or other surgical procedures, know that the RS-4i Plus is a prescription-grade option that’s non-invasive, drug-free, and has provided pain relief for 84 percent of patients who use it*. How does it get such effective results? It has to do with the signal. The RS-4i Plus provides a more powerful pain-relieving signal than most devices – 5000 Hz – compared to many over-the-counter electrotherapy units that may only deliver 50 to 250 Hz.  

A signal at 5000 Hz, which is also called a high-frequency signal, matters because it’s able to penetrate deeper into the tissue to block pain signals. By contrast, lower-frequency signals simply lack the power to go as deep and, thus, are unlikely to produce the same degree of pain relief. But that’s not all. In addition to blocking pain signals, high-frequency offers the secondary benefit of triggering the body’s endorphin release, which results in pain relief that generally lasts 4-8 hours. 

The benefits don’t stop at pain relief because the RS-4i Plus also offers muscle therapy in the form of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). Here, too, the RS-4i Plus is more advanced. Many devices are designed to recruit only a single type of muscle fiber, but the waveform provided by the RS-4i Plus can activate both faster-twitch fibers (like in your arms) and slower-twitch fibers (like in your back).  

Being able to stimulate a broader range of muscle fibers, especially in the large muscles of the body like the back, allows the RS-4i Plus to elicit a maximal muscle contraction that supplies a flow of oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the muscles while expelling metabolic waste. This helps to improve blood flow and relax muscle spasms – which, in turn, helps further reduce back pain. 

There are many electrode pad placement options for patients who are suffering from chronic back pain. Below are videos that cover low-back, mid-back, upper-back, and full-back treatments. Additionally, we offer both full-back and low-back garments that make placement of electrodes in the right spot easy.  

Low-Back Electrode Pad Placement

Upper-Back Electrode Pad Placement

Mid-Back Electrode Pad Placement

Full-Back Electrode Pad Placement

Learn more about treating back pain with the RS-4i Plus.  

*After 30 days of treatment, 84% of patients experienced pain relief. Data was collected from 15,741 patients by RS Medical representatives in person and over the phone. The assessment questions used have been adapted from the Defense & Veterans Center for Integrative Pain Management (DVCIPM) Defense & Veterans Pain Rating Scale (DVPRS) and Supplementary Questionnaire. 


Sciatica is a common chronic back condition, affecting up to 40 percent of the population. While many cases resolve favorably, research suggests that roughly 1 in 4 patients will have persistent problems. 

While over-the-counter medications may provide a partial answer, another ideal choice for sciatica treatment is the RS-4i Plus, which is a prescription-grade at-home electrotherapy device. Not only is it non-invasive and drug-free, but 50 percent of patients experience a 50 percent reduction in pain after 30 days of treatment. On a pain scale of 0-10, this represents a reduction from 7.3 to 3.88*. 

How does it work to help patients suffering from sciatica? First, it blocks the transmission of pain signals to the brain with high-frequency Interferential Therapy (INF). In addition to muting pain signals, high-frequency INF can trigger the body’s endorphin release, which results in pain relief that generally lasts 4-8 hours.  

How is this long-lasting pain relief possible? It has to do with the signal. The RS-4i Plus delivers a 5,000 Hz pain-relieving signal. In comparison, many over-the-counter electrotherapy units may only deliver 50 to 250 Hz. A signal at 5000 Hz, which is also called a high-frequency signal, matters because it’s able to penetrate deeper into the tissue to block pain signals. By contrast, lower-frequency signals simply lack the power to go as deep and, thus, are unlikely to produce the same degree of pain relief. 

In addition to delivering long-lasting pain relief, the RS-4i Plus also delivers neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) which causes both fast and slow twitch muscle fibers to contract. These muscle contractions supply a flow of oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the muscles, while expelling metabolic waste. This helps patients suffering from sciatica reduce muscle spasms, atrophy, and improve range of motion.  

Here are two electrode pad placement options for a sciatica treatment that cover the upper leg and lower back.

Upper Leg Electrode Pad Placement

Low-Back Electrode Pad Placement

Learn more about treating Sciatica with the RS-4i Plus.  

*After 30 days of treatment, 50% of patients experienced a 50% reduction in pain. Data was collected from 15,741 patients by RS Medical representatives in person and over the phone. The assessment questions used have been adapted from the Defense & Veterans Center for Integrative Pain Management (DVCIPM) Defense & Veterans Pain Rating Scale (DVPRS) and Supplementary Questionnaire. 

Diabetic Neuropathy 

Diabetic neuropathy can be a difficult condition to treat. It’s the most common complication of diabetes mellitus (DM) and, particularly troubling, it can also lead to amputation.  

Patients with diabetic neuropathy are in pain. Addressing this pain first is key to successful treatment and patient adoption. This is why the RS-4i Plus treatments begin with 5 minutes of Interferential Therapy (INF), which blocks the transmission of pain signals to the brain with a high-frequency waveform. If you’ve ever used other electrotherapy devices, you’ll know that the pain relief stops once you turn off the device.  

In contrast, RS-4i Plus patients report pain relief lasting hours after they complete a 35-minute treatment. How is this long-lasting pain relief possible? It has to do with the signal. The RS-4i Plus provides a signal of 5,000 Hz, compared to many over-the-counter electrotherapy units that may only deliver 50 to 250 Hz. A signal at 5000 Hz, which is also called a high-frequency signal, can trigger the body’s endorphin release, which leads to patients reporting pain relief that generally lasts 4-8 hours. 

After the Interferential Therapy has run, the RS-4i Plus delivers Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) to facilitate muscle rehabilitation. For diabetic neuropathy patients, NMES can be used on muscles of the lower leg to stimulate blood flow – causing muscles like the gastrocnemius muscle to fire, supplying a flow of oxygen – and nutrient-rich blood to the foot, while expelling metabolic waste. This combination of pain reduction and improved blood flow provides an effective at-home treatment for diabetic neuropathy patients.  

Here are electrode pad placement videos for both foot pain and lower leg pain that can be caused for Diabetic Neuropathy.  

Electrode Pad Placement for Foot Pain 1

Electrode Pad Placement for Lower Leg Pain

Electrode Pad Placement for Foot Pain 2

Learn more about treating Diabetic Neuropathy with the RS-4i Plus. 

Frozen Shoulder 

Patients with shoulder injuries know that they present significant range-of-motion treatment challenges. Specifically, Frozen Shoulder often requires continuous physical therapy to “loosen” the joint.  While this condition is considered to be fairly common – statistics show up to 20 percent of adults will suffer its effects – Frozen Shoulder mainly affects those over 40, as well as those with diabetes, thyroid issues, and heart disease. 

Shoulder conditions, such as Frozen Shoulder, are a primary reason why the RS-4i Plus includes alternating Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) as a treatment option. By strategically placing electrode pads on muscles responsible for shoulder joint movements and then stimulating “alternate” sets of these pads, the RS-4i Plus can mimic movements used during everyday life, PT sessions, and while exercising.  

In addition to muscle rehabilitation, the RS-4i Plus delivers lasting pain relief with high-frequency Interferential Therapy (INF). High frequency means that the RS-4i Plus delivers a signal at 5,000 Hz. In contrast, over-the-counter electrotherapy devices may only deliver a 50-250 Hz signal. This matters because the higher the frequency, the deeper the signal can penetrate the tissue to block pain signals. By contrast, lower-frequency devices simply lack the power to go as deep and, thus, are unlikely to produce the same degree of pain relief. A signal at 5000 Hz not only blocks pain signals to the brain, but can trigger the body’s endorphin release, which leads to patients reporting pain relief that generally lasts 4-8 hours. 

Proper electrode pad placement is essential for targeting shoulder muscles effectively. Take a look at our video below to see the optimal placement for Frozen Shoulder treatment. 

Electrode Pad Placement for Frozen Shoulder


Learn more about treating Frozen Shoulder with the RS-4i Plus.   

How Does the RS-4i Plus Work for Musculoskeletal Pain? 

The RS-4i Plus is a high-frequency device that combines Interferential Therapy (INF) and Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) to deliver powerful pain relief and muscle rehabilitation.   

  • What is Interferential Therapy (INF)? Interferential therapy uses two slightly different high-frequency signals (>5000 Hz) that intersect within the body to create an area of interference – a “sweet spot” in the treatment area where the therapeutic benefit is most pronounced. The nature of high-frequency assures that these signals are able to overcome the skin’s natural resistance and reach nerves deep in the tissue, providing fast-acting pain relief via the Gate Control Theory. As an added advantage, they also offer long-lasting pain relief via the release of endogenous opiates.  

  • What is Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)? Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) uses alternating low-frequency signals (<100 Hz) to treat muscle tissue. These low-frequency signals cause skeletal muscle to contract and release in a pattern that acts as a blood and lymphatic fluid pump – i.e., the blood pump mechanism of action. The key benefits of this contract-and-release pattern are that it prevents disuse atrophy, increases circulation and re-educates tissue.   

Breaking Down a 35-Minute Treatment: 

In one 35-minute treatment, patients receive the benefits of both Interferential Therapy and Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation. Here is a breakdown of a 35-minute treatment:  

  • Step One: Pain Relief with Interferential Therapy (INF) : Addressing musculoskeletal pain first is key to successful treatment. This is why the RS-4i Plus begins with 5 minutes of Interferential Therapy (INF), which blocks the transmission of pain signals and excites the body’s natural endorphin production. 

  • Step Two: Muscle Rehabilitation with Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) : After the Interferential Therapy has run, the RS-4i Plus delivers Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) which causes both slow and fast twitch muscle fibers to contract. These muscle contractions supply a flow of oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the muscles, while expelling metabolic waste.  

  • Step Three: Intersperse Combines both INF and NMES: As the patient sits undisturbed, the third and most unique segment begins. It consists of RS Medical’s patented Intersperse technology, which combines INF pain relief and NMES rehabilitative muscle stimulation in a single treatment. The treatment is knocking down the pain, then working the muscle in a repeating pattern. This leads to shorter treatment times and avoids the need for patients to move electrodes or switch devices, which is required by other devices on the market.    

This high-powered combination of reducing pain with INF and improving blood flow to the treatment area with NMEs is what makes the RS-4i Plus such an effective treatment option for patients with musculoskeletal pain. 

Take the Next Step 

Electrotherapy treatments with the RS-4i Plus offer a non-invasive alternative for patients seeking lasting pain relief from chronic musculoskeletal conditions.  

Healthcare providers who are interested in a more detailed review of the technology, we invite you to complete the form below. A team member will be in touch to schedule a virtual product demonstration.  

Patients, if you are struggling with musculoskeletal pain and are interested in talking to your healthcare provider about electrotherapy treatments with the RS-4i Plus, download our patient discussion guide here

* Required

Related Resources

Blog: Intersperse - A More Impactful Treatment
Blog: Muscle Rehab & the RS-4i Plus

This blog provides general information and discussion about medicine, health and related subjects. The words and other content provided in this blog, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. If the reader or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately-licensed physician or other healthcare professional.